Classic Transportation
We see a future where quality of life and mobility are continually improving, enabling all to focus more time and energy on being people, not patients.
Classic Transportation is driven to provide an exceptional mobility experience within the Healthcare continuum. We do this by hiring and training amazing team members, acquiring and maintaining quality equipment, and providing a level of service that makes you say “Wow”.
First, we prioritize the SAFETY of our Passengers above all
Second, we focus on RELIABILITY to ensure timeliness and increased mobility
Third, we emphasize the care in healthcare by living and working with a SERVICE-MINDSET
Commonly asked questions
Do you transport COVID Positive patients?
Yes we do.​
What COVID Precautions do you take?
Our team clean the vans in between rides, and always wear appropriate PPE to ensure the safety of our Passengers.
Can family members ride with a passenger?​
Yes, one family member may be permitted to ride with a passenger, pending the family member's COVID-19 status.​​
Will there be someone riding with the passenger during stretcher transports?
Yes, one of our EMTs is always present in the back during stretcher transports.​
How are transports paid for?
Oftentimes, facilities (nursing homes, hospitals, etc) will cover the cost of transport for passengers. Otherwise, the transport can be paid in advance directly by credit card.